Union Leader: Passions flare over universal EFAs
NH Media Headlines Showcasing Democrats Plans
Republicans Are Raising Your Property Taxes
Why 'No More Taxes' Mean More Taxes for You
Thanks for your support on November 5
Jaci Grote, Peggy Balboni and I want thank the voters of Greenland and Rye for their support during the 2024 election cycle. I’m proud to serve together with Jaci Grote and Peggy Balboni on behalf of everyone who lives in these two Seacoast communities.
For the past several months we have been door knocking and attending as many local meetings and gatherings as possible and we are grateful for your thoughts and questions while campaigning.
We are always available to answer your questions and take your concerns to the state house in Concord.
It is a pleasure and honor to serve you, and we look forward to continuing that service over the next two years.
Endorsed by the AFT-NH
Endorsed by the NEA-New Hampshire
Endorsed by the Sierra Club of New Hampshire
The Sierra Club of New Hampshire has endorsed my candidacy for the State House in appreciation of my demonstrated commitment to protecting the environment. I am most proud of my work on mitigating PFAS and PFOA contamination not only in the Seacoast but throughout the state. As a Trustee of Great Bay Stewards we help in returning the natural resources of the Great Bay to its original purpose of filtering the tidal water that flows in so that oysters and eel grass can flourish.