Priorities for the Democratic Caucus in 2024

A Constitutional Amendment effort has been launched in New Hampshire to protect abortion rights up until 24 weeks of pregnancy and after that allow a licensed physician to use their judgment on whether or not to terminate up to term, as they had before Jan. 1, 2022, when the state’s new abortion limits went into effect.

As we await a formal decision from the Supreme Court next spring, New Hampshire House Democrats will continue to fight to protect access to medication abortion. That is why we filed House Concurrent Resolution, HCR 11, ‘condemning medically unnecessary restrictions on medication abortion.’

In a state riddled with PFAS contamination and increasing risk of cancer and disease clean air, water, and soil must continue to be a top priority for legislators because the way we treat our environment has a very real impact on our quality of life, our state’s economy, and our health.

The Safer States Agenda is all about helping states like New Hampshire to be more successful when it comes to producing the kind of legislative wins that can reduce the risk of gun violence before tragedies happen.