I want to take this opportunity to thank the voters of Greenland and Rye for your support of my campaign during the 2022 mid-term election. I promised to knock on the doors of 1,000 residents but exceeded that goal by reaching over 1,700 voters.
Greenland and Rye voters turned out in record numbers with Greenland seeing a turnout of 85% of the registered voters. The state wide turnout was 70%.
Your support means everything to all of us who represent you in Concord. State representatives Jaci Grote and Peggy Balboni, along with newly elected state senator Deb Altschiller promise to return that support to you in the upcoming legislative session beginning in January 2023.
Thank you for your support. I look forward to serving the residents of Greenland and Rye in the newly formed Rockingham 24 House district.
Representative Dennis Malloy