Charter School Funding in New Hampshire

  • Financial Sustainability of Existing Charter Schools

    • There are many concerns and unanswered questions about the financial impact that opening 27 new charter schools would have on the New Hampshire’s exissting 28 charter schools.

  • Lack of Need for Additional Student Capacity in Charter Schools

    • The need for opening more schools was not adequately identified. for example, there are currently at least 1,252 open seats at charter schools throughout the state.

  • Ongoing Long Term Impact on the Education Trust Fund

    • By increasing the number of charter schools, the state wouild be required to send as much as $104.1 million in additional charter-school specific grants from the Eeducations trust Fund over the next 10 years.

  • Negative Impact on Local Taxpayers

    • Increasing the number of students who leave traditional public schools will likely have a negative impact on local taxpayers because state funding to traditional public schools will be reduced.

  • Lack of Complete Information from NH Department of Eduication.

    • In addition to not prdoviding complete, clear and accurate information to the Fiscal Committee, the Departmtne Education did not engage any stakeholders throughout the grant application process.