Divisive Concept's Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

NH District Court Judge Paul Barbadoro has ruled that the GOP’s curriculum ban is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced.

The court affirmed what House Democrats have been saying from the moment this harmful legislation was snuck into the State Budget in 2021, that the GOP’s curriculum ban is unconstitutional.

Judge Barbadoro’s clear ruling is a win for students, parents, and educators who deserve uncensored, factual education and fights back on the chilling effect that our House majority is forcing upon our professional educators.

The fight against this damaging and irresponsible ban is not over. Already, House majority leaders are vowing to make this issue front and center.

“Make no mistake – the Republican party will stop at nothing to infringe upon our children’s freedom with nonsensical culture wars like their “divisive concepts” ban, book bans, sports bans, and bathroom bans according to House Democratic Leader Rep. Matt Wilhelm (D-Manchester). House Democrats will continue to push back against the GOP’s political extremism and instead focus on the real challenges faced by hardworking Granite Staters.”