New Hampshire already has the highest property taxes in the nation and Republicans are now bragging about shifting even more of the tax burden from the ultra-wealthy onto hardworking Granite Staters. When you feel sticker shock looking at your next property tax bill, remember that Republicans decided their wealthy donors were more important than reducing your taxes.
New Hampshire Republicans held a joint press conference with Americans for Prosperity to celebrate raising your property taxes with the repeal of the 102-year-old Interest and Dividends Tax.
While regular people struggle with rising costs in housing, child care, health care, groceries and basics, we should not be celebrating tax policies that only benefit the wealthiest ac-cording to House Democratic Leader Alexis Simpson (D-Exeter).
Senate Democratic Leader Perkins Kwoka (D-Portsmouth) said “Governor-Elect Kelly Ayotte and State Republicans must be transparent for NH residents: What vital programs are they going to cut to balance the budget? Will they be willing to once again raise your property taxes by cutting state funding to education, health care, and childcare -- all to help the rich get richer? The people of New Hampshire deserve leaders who prioritize their needs on housing and small business, not raise taxes on them when household budgets are already tight.”