Business Advantage for NH Steel Fabricators

Along with State Senator Tom Sherman and Rye State Representative Jaci Grote, I sponsored SB 438-FN, a bill that establishes the requirement for the use of American made steel products in all public works projects where the state administers the contract and the contract involves at least $1 million state dollars.

Granite Staters would be surprised to find that NH does not use American made steel products in its state construction projects. There were several steel fabricators in NH that testified in support of this bill stating it would help them gain a level playing field versus foreign competitors.

The CEO of Novel Iron Works Holly Noveletsky initiated the conversation about her concerns regarding competitiveness of American stee fabricators and many of your local state legislators banded together to sponsor the bill get it passed by both the NH House and Senate.

SB 438-FN is on its way to the Governor for his signature.