$20 Million Dollars for Rye and North Hampton Seawall Repair

Rye police chief Walsh, NH Department of Transportation Commissioner Bill Cass, Congressman Chris Pappas, State Senator Deb Altschiller, U.S. Senators Jean Shaheen and Maggie Hassan, and Rye/Greenland State Representatives Jaci Grote and Dennis Malloy were at Rye Harbor State Park Monday April 22, 2024 to learn about the $20 million PROTECT grant that will shore-up the seawalls from North Hampton to Rye.

The Federal Highway Administration PROTECT grant is allocated directly to the state Department of Transportation to repair and reinforce the seawalls along a three mile stretch between North Hampton and Rye, two local communities battered by the back-to-back January coastal storms and flooding events that resulted in widespread damage to public and personal property.

The grant for reconstruction efforts in the Seacoast is part of the Federal Highway Administration’s $829.6 million earmarking for 80 projects throughout 37 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

In announcing the grant, Shailen Bhatt, administrator of the Federal Highway said protection against storms that was great for decades, is not standing up to the 21st-century climate, which is emblematic of our infrastructure system. The system that was designed in the 20th century isn’t able to handle the precipitation rates and the storm rates that we’re seeing on an increasing basis. Whether it’s New Hampshire, Texas, Georgia, fires in Hawaii (or) flooding in Tennessee, we’re just seeing more and more of these climate-related events.

Work on the project will be completed through five construction contracts, according to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. Fourteen revetment stone barriers and sea walls will be tended to over a multi-year period.

As part of the project, one of the first priorities is reconstructing revetment (seawall) sections between the North Hampton and Rye town line near Fox Hill Point and Rye Ledge, a roughly 0.6-mile span.

The coastal resiliency grant award comes as local officials throughout Rockingham County are set to receive a separate batch of money after New Hampshire’s disaster declaration for the January storms and flooding was approved.

Congressman Pappas agreed with Administrator Bhatt saying that we seeing the impacts on our built infrastructure, on properties up and down the Seacoast of New Hampshire. We can’t just be satisfied with the fact that we might repair the damage as the infrastructure used to exist and feel like we’re prepared for the future. That’s not a recipe for success. We have to be building for the future.

Earlier in the day NH Governor Chris Sununu announced a $3 million FEMA grant from the agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program which gives money to municipalities to help their communities rebuild and prevent future disaster losses.

NH House Activity This Week

Reigning in PFAS in NH

A bill prohibiting the sale of select products that contain PFAS, such as food packages, children’s products, cosmetics & carpets, passed the House on a roll call vote of 233-140. By passing HB 1649, we protect our families, future generations, and the environment from the harmful effects of ‘forever chemicals’ such as PFAS. Taking these steps is vital in curbing the worsening impacts of PFAS.

Wednesday, the EPA directed that drinking water utilities nationwide remove certain PFAS chemicals at a concentration of 4 parts per trillion. This directive serves as another urgent reminder of the severe hazards associated with this chemical family, as PFAS has been associated with liver problems, thyroid issues, kidney disease, decreased immunity, maternal health hazards, and cancer.

HB 1649 is a common-sense step to protect Granite Staters' health and the beautiful New Hampshire environment we know and love. Now is the time to take a strong stand. These forever chemicals should not be in the air we breathe, the water we drink, or in the soil we walk on.

Bail Reform Compromise

The New Hampshire House voted to pass HB 318, the final bipartisan compromise bill to address issues with the bail reform statute. The bipartisan legislation gives law enforcement and the court system the funding and tools to do their work, including data sharing across municipalities, the establishment of magistrate judges, increased training and wages for bail commissioners, and further clarity of violent crimes that do not warrant release. This legislation will allow police, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and courts to make informed decisions about pre-trial release and detention without delay.

This compromise addresses the real issues facing our communities without needlessly incarcerating people and rolling back all the progress we have made in the last decade to preserve Granite Staters’ rights and liberties.

Increased Support for Public Education

The New Hampshire House passed two bills, HB 1583 and HB 1656, which increase state funding for public education. Both bills now head to the Senate for review. House Bills 1583 and 1656 are both critically important to our schools, our local communities, and our students. By further increasing state support for public education, we are helping our local communities and taking recent court decisions seriously.

HB 1656 greatly improves the formula to determine state support for special education, the cost of which varies greatly from year to year and from community to community. Increasing state support for special education will help stabilize municipal budgets and protect property taxpayers from sudden spikes.

NH House Activity This Week

Keeping Tax Dollars Out of Religious Education

House Democrats continue to support and protect taxpayers by prohibiting the use of public money for religious schools or religious education and put forward HB 1592 to do just that. The New Hampshire Constitution is abundantly clear that no person shall ever be compelled to pay towards the support of schools of any sect or denomination.

The majority could have killed it altogether but a party line vote tabled the bill.

The vast majority of EFA vouchers are devoted to students attending Christian and Catholic private schools. No matter how many shell games are played to move the money from one fund to another, the fact remains that it all comes from New Hampshire taxpayers. The funding of EFA vouchers to religious institutions is a violation of the New Hampshire Constitution and should cease immediately.

A First Step at Lowering Property Taxes

The New Hampshire House voted to pass HB 1279, which requires the state to pay 7.5% toward retirement system costs for municipal employees. The legislation, which seeks to alleviate the burden on property taxpayers by partially restoring the state’s longstanding obligation as a co-contributor to the retirement system, now heads to the state Senate for review.

Property taxes have been skyrocketing ever since Republicans eliminated the state contribution to municipal retirement benefits in 2011. The state has a longstanding obligation to financially support our communities and for the last decade-plus, we have failed to live up to it.

Building Codes Update

The House passed a bill to advance the latest building codes, with amendments adopted by the Building Code Review Board (BCRB). However, House Republicans blocked an amendment to advance the latest energy codes for commercial buildings that address the latest science on human health and indoor air quality following the pandemic.

If New Hampshire does not move to the updated commercial codes, over $4 million in federal funding earmarked for NH in the Inflation Reduction Act will be left on the table. It is disappointing that Republicans refuse to pass energy-saving and money-saving legislation time and time again.

Disclosing Funding of Deceptive Political Advertising

HB 1596 is legislation requiring the disclosure of deceptive synthetic media and deceptive and fraudulent deep fakes usage in political advertising has been referred to the state Senate.

Deceptive deepfakes are manipulated images, audio and video designed to trick the viewer or listener by depicting something that did not actually occur in real life. Artificial intelligence technology has quickly progressed, and deceptive deepfakes can now be created with little or no skill for little to no money.

Bi-partisan Support of Reporting Mental Health Information

In the wake of the tragic murder of Chief Bradley Haas at New Hampshire Hospital the House passed HB 1711 which authorizes the reporting of mental health information to the FBI firearms background check system, representing a small but important victory in the ongoing effort to reduce the risk of gun violence and suicide in our state.

Members of both parties not only came to the table to craft this important legislation, but also that New Hampshire hospital workers and representatives of people with mental illness and disabilities joined us in writing and finalizing the bill. This legislation is a somber reminder of the ongoing struggle of many people in our state to cope with the effects of mental illness—and the cost of previous legislative inaction on this issue to the family of Officer Haas.

Public Education Under Attack

Rejecting EFA Voucher Accountability

The House voted to reject HB 1512 which would limit the Education Freedom Account (EFA) voucher program to budgeted amounts, and HB 1594 which would require annual review and qualification to determine eligibility to participate in the EFA voucher program.

Every argument EFA vouchers supporters make to justify treating the program different than other government assistance programs is completely disingenuous. From the moment the voucher program was first introduced, Republicans have misrepresented who it would benefit and how much additional taxpayer money would be required to fund it.

Rejecting EFA Annual Reviews

The House brushed aside HB 1654, which would require the state board of education to annually review EFA service providers for continued compliance with all state and federal anti-discrimination laws.

The lengths that EFA supporters will take to prevent any oversight or accountability of the taxpayer-funded program is incredible. Republicans have already blocked efforts to assure the program stays within its budget, to assure participants remain eligible based on income, and the Republican-run state Department of Education is trying to prevent an effective audit of the program from being conducted.

Repealing Divisive Concepts Aimed at NH Teachers

Backed by nearly unanimous Republican opposition in the New Hampshire House, legislation which would repeal the “divisive concepts” law restricting teaching in public schools (HB 1162) was blocked from advancement.

New Hampshire has excellent public schools, and our teachers take great pride in providing a thorough education. The reason we study the past is to understand how we got to where we are today and to help us work toward a better tomorrow.

Our state is currently struggling to recruit and retain teachers, and a recent Committee to Study New Hampshire Teacher Shortages and Recruitment Incentives found that the increased politization of teaching jobs has discouraged many from joining or remaining in the profession.

Preventing Climate Education in Schools

The House voted to indefinitely postpone HR 30, preventing any discussion about improving climate education in public schools.

The House of Representatives has historically embraced robust debate over policies that would affect our state. It is incredibly disappointing that House Republicans voted to block even discussing the idea of improving climate education in schools.

Week Ending March 15 in the NH House

NH General Court

Vouchers, divisive concepts, reading, redistricting, and public health and safety were voted on this week in the NH House. Results of the vote on most bills were of no surprise, and followed a familiar pattern. A pleasant exception was the Freedom to Read bill.

Voucher Accountability Fails

The House rejected HB 1512 which would limit the EFA voucher program to budgeted amounts, and HB 1594 which would require annual review and qualification to determine eligibility to participate in the EFA voucher program.

Every argument that Republicans make to justify treating the EFA voucher program different than other government assistance programs is completely disingenuous. From the moment the voucher program was first introduced, Republicans have misrepresented who it would benefit and how much additional taxpayer money would be required to fund it.

Despite claiming the voucher program’s intent was to provide choice to low-income students who were struggling in public school, Republicans wrote the bill to include students already in private education, who were not funded by taxpayers until that point. To no one’s surprise, those already in private school flocked to the voucher program, which has led to exponential overspending every year since it began. In just three years, over 3,000 private education students have been added to the taxpayer rolls resulting in the massive overspending that Democrats sought to reign in today.

Repeal of Divisive Concepts Law Fails

Backed by nearly unanimous Republican opposition in the New Hampshire House, legislation which would repeal the “divisive concepts” law restricting teaching in public schools (HB 1162) was blocked from advancement. The ‘divisive concepts’ law, which restricts the teaching of honest history in public schools, has been a black eye on our state since Republicans first enacted as part of the state budget three years ago.

The fact that this law only applies to public schools, but not private institutions that now receive taxpayer funds through the school voucher program, shows just how disingenuous this Republican attempt to silence public school teachers really is. This is simply just another attempt to weaken and dismantle public education.

Freedom to Read Approved

We are grateful to our colleagues for passing our Freedom to Read bill, HB 1311, in a vote of 194-180. It was carefully drafted as commonsense bipartisan legislation to help us prevent discrimination, preserve local control, and guarantee concerned parents and guardians due process. This bill strikes the right balance between parental and students’ rights, first amendment rights, and local control in our school library collections, and we encourage our Senate colleagues to send it to the governor’s desk as soon as possible.

Independent Redistricting Commission Rejected

The House voted to indefinitely postpone CACR 19, with Republicans leading the charge, which would give New Hampshire voters the opportunity to amend the state Constitution to end gerrymandering through enactment of an independent redistricting commission. This proposal was straightforward. It would give the voters of New Hampshire – the constituents we represent – the opportunity to decide for themselves whether partisan gerrymandering should be allowed to continue in our state. I have never met a voter who thought the deliberate manipulation of districts for political gain was right or fair.

Brass Knuckles, Slungshots and Blackjacks Approved

HB 1276, would legalize brass knuckles, slungshots, and blackjacks. Republicans are ignoring the many things we need in New Hampshire like affordable housing and childcare. But something we don’t need is a bill that makes our streets, our gathering places, and our schools any more dangerous or any less safe. This bill was opposed by the NH Chiefs of Police because we can only assume they know the danger that these weapons present in circulation in our state.

Gender Affirming Health Care Banned

The New Hampshire House voted to pass HB 1660, a bill to ban gender affirming care for youth on Medicaid. This session we have seen over a dozen bills attacking the LGBTQ+ community and specifically targeting LGBTQ+ youth. We know that this legislation is a part of a larger fabric of attacks aimed at discriminating against trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people nationwide and are damaging to an enormous amount of Granite Staters and their families.