PFAS Exposure in Private Residential Drinking Water Wells Near Pease

PFAS Exposure in Private Residential Drinking Water Wells Near Pease

In my role as a member of the Pease Restoration Advisory Board, I’m charged with relaying information to the public about the Air Force usage of fire fighting foams and the resulting PFAS chemicals that were released into the ground water/drinking water on the former Air Force base and surroundiing communities. This is a report and summary of the USAF findings from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Division of Community Health Investigations.

Governor's State of the State 2022

Governor's State of the State 2022

The governor’s State of the State Address was delivered to the NH House on February 17, 2022 and I believe that Granite Stater’s are deserving of more than a mere campaign speech. While listening to his comments, I felt there were many statements that needed more explanation and clarification. The following are a few of the thoughts and concerns I would like to see more fully addressed.